Sunday, August 21, 2011

friends are like perennials

i was thinking about a conversation i had with my sweet friend joanne, about flowers.  which in turn made me think about my dear friends i have in my life.  each one of you are like the perennial flowers i have planted in my gardens. you are there for me year after year. you are a constant and i don't have to worry about you not returning the next year.  you are brilliant and beautiful and bursting forth with the tenderness of a newborn.  the one i chose to delete from my life this year, must have been an annual.  there will be no returning next year, or any year.  that flower had thorns that hurt me.  i didn't need that.

flowers,  like friends need nurturing and care.  some flowers are newer than others in my garden, as are my friends.  but i care deeply for each of you as if you have been planted there for decades. 

what is planted in your garden?  xo


Mary Jane said...

What a wonderful post!! I have alot of perennials in my garden too...dear friends...some newer than others and are all very special to me! I too had an annual in my garden a few years back and was hurt, but glad the weeding was done and moved forward in my "garden of life"!!

dellerd said...

What a great post!! You can really think about that and the two do go together hand in hand!! I have some pretties in my garden just like my beautiful friends!! I am so proud of you my friend!!! xoxoxo

Marlene said...

I think the thorns are still hurtng you sometimes but in time the pain and hurt will wither away and will be just a jaunt memmory, I love you my friend and I will be there next year and every year after that.

Jodi Ohl said...

Great post and love the analogy of the perennials and annuals....I truly believe people come in and out of our lives for a reason. Some stay forever and some are just here an instant, but they all impact us in ways that would never imagine for the good, the bad, the ugly and and everything in between. Glad you weeded out the thorns that were bringing you down. Whats that saying...Life is a bed of roses, just watch out for the pri%$s lol

Michele Emma said...

Hi, Carlanda the beautiful. Just popped in to cull your garden verbiage.Thanks for making me laugh, you're the best. Red

joanne said...

Debbie said...

Very nice post, I love to garden and now every time I'm in my garden I will think of your post.

Thanks for sharing!!


Kristin said...

Gardens feed the soul... and every once in a while when you least expect it a new specimen pops up,takes you by surprise and gives you great joy!
You my dear 'new' friend are just that!<3 hugs xoxo

jodi said...

Beautifully written my friend! I'm so thankful that you popped up in my garden especially because I was in the desert! Your beauty from year to year continually astonishes me! xo

Lyn said...

I too love the analogy Carly. Planting new perennials in my garden gives me great joy. I've never been particulary fond of annuals....they are a bit full of themselves...maybe because they know they won't be around for long. And why would you give them that special place in your garden when you could have something that will be there for you for years...often with very little attention. Somehow I know my new friends are perennials...without even looking at the label :) xoxo

Petie said...

This blog has special meaning for me right now. I'm so glad that I've found so many wonderful new species of Perennials because it will take a lot of new perennials to replace one old one! I'm so glad to have met you Carlanda and all of the other sisters. xoxo

carlanda brown williamson said...

wow, i have all kinds of new flowers planted in my garden! i will try my best to take really good care of all of you. i won't use any b.s. in the garden!!! look at that purple rose....her name is annie! xo

Anonymous said...

"If we are indeed shaped and fashioned by what we love, how could gardeners be anything but beautiful people?" Des Kennedy

This observation applies to you perfectly my beautiful cousin Carlanda. I love you, Karen

Teddi said...

very good analogy!

Living in the Moment said...

I love this post - I am enjoying how you think - I have a small garden in my backyard - Purple Iris's, Peonies, White Lily etc ... Love them all, and now I will look at all of them a bit differently :)

Carol Hawthorne said...

I'm enjoying reading your thoughts